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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Blog # 2 revised

  •  After viewing all web sites listed in Free Web Resources for Your Classroom link, which two web sites would you consider using in your current/future classroom? Please provide specific examples of how you would use those two web sites in your classroom. Please provide supporting details for your response to all questions 

 My apologies to everyone.  I realize that I posted the blog before I was done.  So I reposted.
After examining the Free Web Resources, I believe that EPals would be a possible tool that would be relevant to kindergartners in a bilingual classroom.  Specifically I would use epals as an opportunity for developing pen pal relationships using email with students from other parts of the United States or from other Spanish speaking countries.  This would be a great opportunity for students to use Spanish in a meaningful way by communicating with students with similar cultural backgrounds.  For example, a student in my class from Costa Rica would receive a self-esteem boost if we were to communicate with other students from Costa Rica.  This would broaden our cultural awareness since not all Spanish speaking countries have the same cultural identity.  In addition, practically speaking, students would be practicing constructing sentences that reflect what they are trying to say (in Spanish or English).  This would cover noun verb agreement, spelling, vocabulary and fluency.  Students would focus on their similarities and differences between themselves and their pen pals.  While reviewing epals, I saw that there are several opportunities for this type of project at the kindergarten level.  
Another possible tool that would be relevant to kindergartners is the Kindle, especially the Kindle Fire (newest version with color, touch screen, and free wifi as compared to the Ipad).  I could see the kindle as another means for students to access stories.  The advantage to the Kindle Fire is that the story would retain its colored illustrations which are important for comprehension with kindergartners.  Also, the Kindle has a text reader feature, so the story could be read to the students by the Kindle, without needing another adult.  The touch screen eliminates the students’ need for keyboarding in the traditional way.  The free wifi would alleviate internet connection problems that we experience in my school system.  Also, students would be exposed to a new literacy:  reading digital books. 
For more information and other web resources that might be usefull in the classroom visit Carolyn's Blog

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

o After viewing all web sites listed in Free Web Resources for Your Classroom link, which two web sites would you consider using in your current/future classroom? Please provide specific examples of how you would use those two web sites in your classroom. Please provide supporting details for your response to all questions

After examining the Free Web Resources, I believe that EPals would be a possible tool that would be relevant to kindergartners in a bilingual classroom. Specifically I would use epals as an opportunity for developing pen pal relationships using email with students from other parts of the United States or from other Spanish speaking countries. This would be a great opportunity for students to use Spanish in a meaningful way by communicating with students with similar cultural backgrounds. For example, a student in my class from Costa Rica would receive a self-esteem boost if we were to communicate with other students from Costa Rica. This would broaden our cultural awareness since not all Spanish speaking countries have the same cultural identity. In addition, practically speaking, students would be practicing constructing sentences that reflect what they are trying to say (in Spanish or English). This would cover noun verb agreement, spelling, vocabulary and fluency. Students would focus on their similarities and differences between themselves and their pen pals. While reviewing epals, I saw that there are several opportunities for this type of project at the kindergarten level.
Another possible tool that would be relevant to kindergartners is the Kindle, especially the Kindle Fire (newest version with color, touch screen, and free wifi as compared to the Ipad). I could see the kindle as another means for students to access stories. The advantage to the Kindle Fire is that the story would retain its colored illustrations which are important for comprehension with kindergartners. Also, the Kindle has a text reader feature, so the story could be read to the students by the Kindle, without needing another adult. The touch screen eliminates the students’ need for keyboarding in the traditional way. The free wifi would alleviate internet connection problems that we experience in my school system. Also, students would be exposed to a new literacy: reading digital books.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Literacies and Nets

      In my opinion, new literacies are the constant changes and adaptations of new ways of learning information using non-standard methods. As I read Chapter One of "New Literacies for New Times", I am reminded that our students are reading more than just books.  They are reading using multiples technologies such as the Ipad, kindle, websites, e-books, etc.  They need to adjust their reading strategies to meet the needs of the technology format being used.  That is why it is critical for teacher to teach and use these new literacies tech. tools in the classroom.  Students need to be able " to identify important questions, navigate complex information networks to locate appropiate information , critically evaluate that information, synthesize it to address those questions, and then communicate the answers to others " Leu, D. J., O'Byrne, W. I, Zawilinski, L. J., McVerry, J. G., Everett-Cacopardo, H. (2009). Expanding the New Literacies ConversationEducational Researcher, 38(4), 264-269.  As a kindergarten teacher, I can support the integration of technology and the new literacy by utilizing Starfall, a site that uses interactive story books ( to teach decoding. During my after school program I use Starfall with my bilingual kindergarten students to reinforce decoding skills, and sight words in the English language.  It is also useful for my students to hear the text read by a native speaker of English.
      In this way I support the NETS-T # 2.a. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments: Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiviness, and NETS-S Standards # 6.a. Technology Operations and Concepts: Select and use applications effectively and productively (extracted from, ).  The NETS standards are teaching standards that reflect 21st century skills in teaching and learning for both students and teachers.
The following is a link to another student's blog that reflects on New Literacies,